Children need to wear navy blue or black shorts/tracksuit bottoms and a white T-shirt and trainers.
We ask parents that the children bring their P.E. Kit into school on a Monday and take it home for washing on a Friday.
Key Stage 2 children are provided with swimming lessons, free of charge, for 10 weeks in the Autumn term. Children need a swimsuit and a towel, if your child has a verruca they can still take part in swimming if they wear a swim sock which can be bought from the swimming baths. Children are not allowed to wear jewellery in the pool.
Lots of our learning takes place outside could children please make sure they have a warm waterproof coat in school and if the weather is warm a sun cap to provide protection from the sun.
Please can you make sure that children’s names are clearly marked on all clothing and bags.
Can you please ensure that your children take home all their possessions at the weekend.